Lodgement/Payment Due Date - income tax

Dec 01st - All Day

Pay income tax for taxable large/medium taxpayers, companies and super funds. Lodgement of return is due 15 January.

Pay income tax for the taxable head company of a consolidated group with a member deemed to be a large/medium taxpayer in the latest year lodged. Lodgement of return is due 15 January.

Pay income tax for companies and super funds when lodgement of the tax return was due 31 October.

Chau & Hennessy
Professional Accountants

Ph: 02 6652 2999


ABN: 69 055 755 621

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Postal Address

PO Box 4042

Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450


Street Address

Suite 2, 12-14 Edgar Street

Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450
