Lodgement Due Date - Tax return lodgement, including companies and super funds where the tax return is not required earlier

Jun 05th - All Day

Tax return lodgement, including companies and super funds where the tax return is not required earlier and both of the following criteria are met:

  • non-taxable or a credit assessment as at latest year lodged
  • non–taxable or receiving a credit assessment in the current year.

This is for all entities with a lodgement end date of 15 May 201X, excluding large/medium taxpayers and head companies of consolidated groups.

Chau & Hennessy
Professional Accountants

Ph: 02 6652 2999


ABN: 69 055 755 621

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Postal Address

PO Box 4042

Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450


Street Address

Suite 2, 12-14 Edgar Street

Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450
